Aspect Ratio Calculator

Use the form below to calculate the missing value for a particular aspect ratio. This is useful, for example, when resizing photos or video.

W 1

H 1


W 2

H 2

Your aspect ratio is: ? : ?



  1. Enter the values for the original width (W 1 ) & original height (H 1 ) on the left.
  2. Enter either a new width (W 2 ) or new height (H 2 ) on the right to calculate the remaining value.
  3. Change any of the values at any time, or reset them to the starting values.


Say you have a photo that is 1600 x 1200 pixels, but your blog only has space for a photo 400 pixels wide. To find the new height of your photo—while preserving the aspect ratio—you would need to do the following calculation:

(original height / original width) x new width = new height
(1200 / 1600) x 400 = 300

Note: this is the new, improved version. You can still use the original aspect ratio calculator if you prefer.

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