Tutorial. Swift 4. iOS 11.2: AlertController (Appcoda)

Now then, because Appcoda and Simon Ng produce some of the nicest tutorials out there, easy to understand and implement, I’ve reproduced one of the older tutorials, and made it Swift 4, iOS 11.2 Xcode 9.2 as well. The original tutorial is HERE. This tutorial is not as complex as it first looks, but if Read More …

iT – Security, iOS & OSX

Cyber Security is important to us all. If you think you have nothing to protect, think again. If a hacker has access to your computer or your website – you are vulnerable. You can’t completely protect yourself, but you can make it more difficult. As the first line of defense, you should at least check Read More …

Privacy Policy

Robert-Chalmers-UK GDPR PRIVACY POLICY 2018 Privacy Policy I am committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of my visitors. This Policy explains what happens to any personal data that you provide to me, or that I collect from you whilst you visit my site and how I use cookies on this website. I do update Read More …